Thursday, June 22, 2006

some special people

Some people who have ‘refreshed my heart’ this week are:

My grandparents: they are wonderful examples of people who put God and others first. Some of the things they say:
“It’s so lovely to see you.”
“Thanks for coming.”
“What have you been doing this week?”
“How is… (whatever I told them about last week) ?”
“It’s of no eternal significance.”
“Give it over to the Lord.”
I appreciate them. I look up to them. And I aspire to be as patient as they are in multi-storey carparks.

My Thursday morning prayer friend: She is encouraging in her words. She makes a good cup of tea and remembers how I take it. She never indulges in self-righteous whingeing. She’s a good listener. She’s honest, down to earth and real. She’s inspiringly clever in the things she makes, and I just like her.

My sister in law: Fun, clever and interested in a lot of the same things as me. Her children are extraordinarily cute, and I’m glad she married my brother.

My parents in law: who give me a break every week and welcome us with wide smiles.

Thank you!

1 comment:

overthere said...

Thanks Cec.