Thursday, September 14, 2006

God put tear ducts in our eyes because grief is best expressed when we are looking into the eyes of another person.*

People, family, fellowship, the body - whatever you call it - are the greatest source of love and comfort in hard times. We have experienced so much support in the last week. Cards in the mail, loving emails, phone calls and even some yummy fruit slice delivered to our door. It's a privilege to be part of Christ's family and experience love in the flesh.

Yes, our little fella does have Autistic Spectrum Disorder, but it's a good thing to be able to put a name to his quirky habits and now start working to get him some help.

It's been a temptation to me to isolate myself from others when I've felt bad, but the love and support that's out there has reminded me that God gives us people for good reasons.

*an idea pinched from a favourite book How People Grow by Cloud and Townsend.

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