Thursday, May 17, 2007


I'm starting to crystallize my thoughts on the friendship talks coming up in July.

Here are some tentative headings - four for four talks. Tell me if you think I'm missing something important.

The theology of friendship, Trinity as community, value of friendship in the Bible, what is friendship for? Life without fellowship is empty.

What is friendship anyway? The different kinds of friendship. The different ways to belong to a community. Practical tips for making friends

What sort of a friend are you? What sort of character do you need to have to be the best friend possible? What kinds of friends do you choose?

Tricky Questions
Power in relationships. When to say goodbye. When is a friendship not healthy. Can guys and girls be friends? Dating, marriage and friendship.


Jessica Lowe said...

...I think that you've asked some really great questions....Esp. 'When to say goodbye, actually, all of them are really thought provoking in Tricky Questions. And 'What sort of character do you need to have to be the best friend possible', 'Life without friendship is empty'. Those ones really sit with me (but they are all good!)

It's pretty hard to define what a friendship is! I've been thinking about my 'friends' and when they change titles - like from boss to friend, friend to mentor and back again.

Thanks for the thoughts!
(BTW, I think I've asked you this before, but what age group are the kids?)

Cecily said...

Last time they ranged in age from 13 to 25! I think I'm going to aim for the upper high schoolers, with extra questions for younger and older in groups.

By the way, do you think the 'word verification' options to post comments are getting longer and more complicated?

Kris said...

How long are the talks going to be?

I like the questions. You've covered a lot of issues there.

The word verification seems to vary. Sometimes I have six letters, sometimes five, sometimes more. I think it shifts randomly to add the extra element of difficulty for spambots.

Cecily said...

I think about 35-45 mins. Or less. With questions for small groups as well. When I did this camp two years ago I talked for about 35 minutes. It seemed long enough.


Kris said...

spambots = software programs that randomly send advertisements for miracle creams/free loans/gambling sites/other unwanted things. The letters are put there to stop software from being able to use letter recognition to send you annoying material. Doesn't always stop humans, though!

Andrew Paterson said...

These talks look great. Really looking forward to sseing and/or hearing them soon.

Want to do them at Mittagong too?