Thursday, June 07, 2007

So many options, so little time

We were having a conversation with our seven year old this morning.

Her: I'm going to be a professor or a scientist when I grow up.
Us: That's interesting. Do you like science a lot?
Her: (screwing up her nose) Oh, no. No, I don't like science at all.
Us: You might have to choose something else then.
Her: Don't worry. I've got options.
Us: Oh really? Such as?
Her: Well, hairdresser, shopkeeper, teacher, book writer, Prime Minister, minister in a church, or just a person who goes to church.
Us: Ummmm, great! (what do you say at this point?)


Megan said...

I love it a girl feels she has so many options! great stuff!

Cecily said...

I like the fact that she puts hairdresser and Prime Minister on the same level!

Hmmm, what shall I do today? Give a perm, cut and colour, or run the economy?