Monday, June 11, 2007

Who am I?

A friend blogged about personality types, according to the Myers Briggs test.

I took this test when I was 15, amongst our high school group of about 30 students. I came out with an unusual combination. The only person who had the same result was the only person I really didn't like in the whole group.

I took it again today, and had a slightly different result* from my teenage self.

ENFJ is now my label, and it looks like I've done the right sorts of jobs for my type so far in life. See how you fare.

*I came out an exact middle between extrovert and introvert as a teenager. This time I am a moderate extrovert, which is probably due to more maturity and experience.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Maybe we like the same books because we are both NFs!

My mum is an enfj - I suspect my eldest of being one.

On the note of how you come out as teen, I have done the test several times in life, and always come out the same - pre teen and post teen - except as a teen I came out as a slight J (I test as a moderate P) teen is time of testing identity - my whole family are Js except me, so perhaps at that time I felt a greater need to conform to them.