Tuesday, July 10, 2007


We celebrated our twelfth wedding anniversary this week.*

When I first saw my husband, I noticed a few things about him. First, his red hair. Gorgeous. Then I noticed his shoes. Brown brogues. Not white joggers (Hooray - someone with taste!) Then I noticed his posture. Very upright and tall.

I thought to myself: That's a person of integrity and style. Nice looking too. How do I get him interested in me? (The answer to that question is a whole other story.)

It's been a good 12 years and I'm lucky to have him.

*Well, actually, as my daughter just said, "We didn't really celebrate it, did we?" She's right. It was a busy day. But it was nice to notice.


Kris said...

Wow, how time flies! Congratulations, guys. May the next twelve be equally wonderful - or even better! :)

Cecily said...

I know. It goes quickly. And all you have to do is just keep breathing...

thanks for the good wishes.