Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Patience down... what's next?

Long-time readers of this blog may remember my many ponderings about patience of a few years back. I wanted to know what it was, how you got it and what it looked like.

One autistic child later, I think I'm ok with patience now. So I'm moving on. Currently I'm bothered about joy. I'm not sure I have much. I'd like to be one of those gorgeous people who exude joy (and not just put-on positive thinking) even when they are sad.

Any thoughts? I think I'll start exploring this topic.


Megan said...

That's one I've thought about a lot - and struggle with. I find Philippians helpful (it's my fave book of the Bible)

Prue said...

I'm better with hope when I am sad. I look forward to your research!

joyful said...

thats what even i have been asking the Lord these days, "He came to give us life and live it to the full, that our joy may be complete,"i keep pondering on this line often, hope your search will throw some light