Sunday, July 22, 2007

I read it!

I got the new Harry Potter book yesterday. I sat down once the children had gone to bed about 7.30 and read solidly through until 12.20 - and finished it.

I thought it was a good ending to a great series. Not wholly unexpected, but I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

If you wonder how such a thick book was read in 5 hours... I have a few tricks. Generally I skim the battle scenes (I never understand the details much anyway) and there were a lot of battles in this book. Also, I have an annoying habit which I developed years ago of ignoring the top and bottom inches of the page and only reading the middle. Usually this gives me the jist of the story. Occasionally I have to go back for more information, but it seems to work, unless I'm reading in French.


Megan said...

i was tempted to do that, but had to preach today so thought I better sleep - but the question tonight is... harry or betty? harry or big love? harry won over doctor who last night...

Kris said...

Harry. Definitely Harry. The rest can be taped...

Cecily said...

My Sunday night viewing did come into the question of whether I should continue late into last night? I decided Big Love and Betty won.
They can be taped... but a book can be picked up any time!