Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Popping up at all angles

The theme of my day was domestic violence, which is something I have been thinking about recently.

We went up to Sydney today. I managed to visit a shopping mall and headed with a plan to the Body Shop to buy some makeup. Plastered all over their windows is a campaign to break the silence on relationship abuse. I picked up a very good brochure and went on my way.

On my way back to the car, I passed an Amnesty International booth and was asked to sign a petition to end violence against women. Of course I did so, and then got chatting to the fellow about rape laws in the country where I grew up. Previously, a woman accusing a man of rape needed to have four adult male witnesses in order to prove her suit. As if that's ever going to happen! If she couldn't, she could be jailed for adultery.

Apparently Amnesty has succeeded in putting pressure on the government and the laws have been changed! Well done.

I got home to an email newsletter all about ... you guessed it... domestic violence and the church. Some great articles, including this one with a particularly horrendous story about abuse in a Christian marriage.

Is someone trying to say something to me???

*By the way, I should clarify that I am not, repeat not, the victim of any sort of domestic violence by anybody!

1 comment:

Jessica Lowe said...

:-O It's everywhere. The story in that article made me gasp.